STARLIGHT at the ALIGNER Project Final Event

STARLIGHT at the ALIGNER Project Final Event

On September 26th, STARLIGHT participated in the final event of the ALIGNER project, hosted at the Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) at KU Leuven. The event gathered a diverse group of participants from law enforcement, policy, research, and industry to explore the role of artificial intelligence in law enforcement.

Key discussions focused on the implications and potential of AI technologies, with particular emphasis on assessing their impact and addressing the challenges posed by AI’s dual use in both criminal activities and law enforcement strategies. In addition to engaging in ALIGNER's important dialogues, STARLIGHT connected with sibling projects popAI, and AP4AI, as well as with the TRANSCEND project, sharing insights on how AI can support law enforcement agencies.

We congratulate the ALIGNER consortium for a successful and thought-provoking final event.